Rebel® Packaged Rooftop Systems

High Capacity Heat Pump For Cold Climate Applications

Unlike traditional heat pumps that have limited heating capacities of low ambient temperatures, Daikin's inverter compressor technology overcomes this challenge to maintain high heating capacity, delivering up to 75% more heat on the coldest days.

This reduces reliance on large, often inefficient electric heaters to generate supplemental heat, resulting in efficient heat transfer that lowers energy use and operating costs.
A.   Inverter Compressor runs faster in heating
B.   Heat pump & Building Crossover point shifts





Simplified All-Electric Transition - EH kW Limiting Controls

kW Limiting Controls

  • Control option limits electric heater % capacity during compressor operation
    • Four limit % options available (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%)
  • When compressor is inactive, electric heat is 100% available
  • Reduces MCA & MROPD
    • Reduce power wire feed size/cost
    • Reduced breaker size/cost
    • Reduced electrical infrastructure requirement to the building
  • Maintains 100% electric heat capacity for redundancy scenario

Natural Gas/Propane


  • Simultaneous dual fuel operation
  • 80-600 MBH capacity
  • Staged or Modulating controls
  • Up to 12:1 turndown
  • Up to 100F temp rise



  • Up to 80°F temp rise
  • Staged of SCR controls
  • 10-150 kW Capacity
  • Keep MCA/MROPD down on heat pumps by using:
    • EH dedicated power option
    • kW limiting controls

Hot Water


  • 1,2, or 3 row options
  • Factory installed freeze-stat option
  • Factory installed valve packages available